please signal

usually, when i get on my bicycle my writer’s block is instantly lifted.  here is a little poem i conceived on my way to a job today.  this is all i remember from it: dear motorist please signal, please signal.  please please signal.  jerk! thank you.  i hope you understand now how important it is…
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rools shmools

I was riding on the sidewalk, yes, the sidewalk, because it is the best route to the main road from my house, snow-wise. It’s a bit slow, this”riding” on the sidewalk, because I have to pay attention to pedestrians, and puppies. They have the right of way you see, and I don’t want to startle…
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the killer hole

A tree died on the promenade by the water’s edge. There’s a long row of them about 10 feet apart. They’re each planted in a round hole in the concrete about 4 feet in diametre with a raised concrete lip about 2 inches high. The tree on the end died. It was always in the…
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get off the road!

It’s amazing how many drivers still don’t really understand traffic law, and the definition of a vehicle. Wide open space, 4 lanes, 2 each way, nobody around. I look over my shoulder, then change lanes to gear up for a left turn. As I’m drifting a bit, in my lane, behind me appears a car,…
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assumptions and deductions

I was waiting for a green light, hugging the curb, when a man in a pickup pulled up beside me, craned his neck towards me across the passenger side, raised his eyebrows, and waved his arm around to show he was interested in making a right turn, and was it ok for him to proceed….
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FFS – think about it!

I was riding in the bike lane approaching a bus waiting to make a right turn. He was in my way. He was in my lane. Just standing there, waiting for some dawdling pedestrians to cross the street. I looked over my shoulder and swerved to go around him on the left. He started turning…
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Dear Motorist – transcript and video

This is a video appealing to everyone, drivers and cyclists, to be more mindful in traffic.  I made a transcript so that I could break it down, and discuss some of the points in separate blogs in the future, and to make the content more accessible. [sz-youtube url=”” /] Over the last 10 years, 6,957…
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shit pedestrians do

Traffic on sidewalks kind of ambles, pedestrians never look over their shoulder,  there are no lanes on sidewalks, people just stop or veer without warning and for no apparent reason – that shit would never fly on the street. Remember that I’m generalizing, so please don’t take offense, but these are observations I make on…
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until you don’t!

That moment when you get to where you parked your bike, and you find not a coffee cup in your basket, or a bell or a seat missing, or a nasty note attached. No, you find just an empty pole. You wonder at first, as one does, whether you forgot you parked it somewhere else….
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