
The other day I had the joy of placing an ad on Craigslist: Lost Sun Hat: Last Sunday I went through a pothole on Sherbourne going north towards The Esplanade on my bike, and didn’t notice my hat fall out of my rear basket. You were driving behind me and you honked at me. I get…
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buying a bike is like falling in love

Really! It’s super emotional. And you kind of take a chance, too. Riding around the store and around the block is like a first date. Some dating folks don’t call the first date a date. They call it “the obligatory introductory drink”, or “date zero”, and all sorts of other un-date-like things. But I digress!…
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No, I didn’t have an accident! But isn’t life full of little accidents? What I mean is, there are parameters within which we can allow ourselves to be out of control. For example: Last winter I wrote about how I watched a cyclist pass me on his massive easy step-through Biria slipping and sliding in…
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Dear Motorist – transcript and video

This is a video appealing to everyone, drivers and cyclists, to be more mindful in traffic.  I made a transcript so that I could break it down, and discuss some of the points in separate blogs in the future, and to make the content more accessible. [sz-youtube url=”” /] Over the last 10 years, 6,957…
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until you don’t!

That moment when you get to where you parked your bike, and you find not a coffee cup in your basket, or a bell or a seat missing, or a nasty note attached. No, you find just an empty pole. You wonder at first, as one does, whether you forgot you parked it somewhere else….
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one ride at a time

When you pick up your bike where you parked it, don’t get mad if you find someone else’s bike leaning on yours and you wish you had 3 arms to dislodge them from each other while keeping them both from falling over. Don’t worry that your seat is wet, and that you forgot to bring…
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model citizen

I’m waiting for the green light. There’s a policeman standing under the viaduct ahead on the other side of the intersection, waiting for customers. This corner is a goldmine for infractions. Drivers chasing the light, getting stuck in gridlock because the next traffic light is so close. The length of the turn always underestimated. The police…
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